Maria de Jesus Patricio, the first indigenous woman aspiring for the presidency questions the Mexican electoral system.

For the first time in the history of Mexico, indigenous peoples organized to have a candidate running for president in 2018. This movie is a intimate approach to the life of María de Jesús Patricio (Marichuy), proposed by the Indigenous Government Council to represent them in this process. The documentary portrays the challenges that she and the Indigenous Government Council face to get the necessary signatures and get to the ballots elections in the context of a country plagued by violence and racism towards women and indigenous groups alike. Along her journey, Marichuy collects and links the existing struggles in various territories (Yaqui, Maya and Wixárika) leaving evidence of the importance of the resistance and organization of indigenous peoples to preserve life and dignity. At the end of the road, the questions that prevail are: Progress and development for whom and at whose expense?
Luciana Kaplan
"If destruction and death is progress, then we are against it"